Magic of the Toy Library
Can you imagine the excitement of a toy-filled room where your child can choose something different to play with every fortnight?
An Educational Treasure Trove for Parents
Can you imagine access to a huge resource to help you further your child's development across all areas, from physical to fine motor, roleplay, language & more?
Become a Member now!
Don't just imagine – CLICK HERE to find out how to become a Toy Library member!
What is a toy library?
The Toy Library Howick and Pakuranga
is a charitable community organisation who provide a toy hireage service to families in the Howick-Pakuranga-Botany area at a low cost (see costs here). Families come to the library and choose toys to take home for a fortnight before returning them. All families are welcome to join! Click on the video to learn more.
What is a Toy Library?
What do our members say?
Great range of toys! My boys love visiting the library and choosing something new to take home and play with.
It’s great being able to borrow and return toys. You don’t have the hassle of storing and cluttering your home.
Joining Toy Library has solved the expense and difficulty of keeping up with my son exploring and engaging with different toys at different stages. He can choose what interests him at the time.
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